Join us for the Library Lever Launch 🎉
June 15 at 2pm eastern

Library Lever is a brand new kind of buying club, on a mission to enable libraries to build sustainable and equitable collections.


We've gathered some amazing speakers to inspire and celebrate the transforming work of libraries. 

When: June 15, 2pm eastern
Where: Online in Zoom

Plus, just by RSVPing you will be entered to win a $250 Visa Gift Card!

Jeff Goins

New York Times Bestselling Author Jeff Goins

Genius Academy Founding President Rocco Shields

RSVP now to learn more about Library Lever's Plans to support libraries

In addition to these great speakers we'll also hear from Library Lever's Founder, Robert Karen, who will speak about his vision to transform the legacy buying club into a Mission-driven Brokerage designed to realize value and impact for both libraries and publishers by harnessing the power of shared data to inform development in content creation and to drive investment in equitable access.

After you RSVP you'll receive the Zoom link. We'll also follow up with an email with the information. And you'll be entered to win a $250 Visa gift card.
