see what others have to say

You're in good company

I had the privilege of working with Rob for a number of years and highly recommend him for any business wanting to grow sales. The team behind Library Lever is inspiring and we can't wait to see what they have in store. We're looking forward to watching the growth and development of this company.

Brian Edwards// Director of Educational Streaming, Swank Motion Pictures, Inc.

We are excited to see how Library Lever grows. Rob's experience, vision, and enthusiasm for libraries is incredible. Under his leadership and the team he has put together, we are looking forward to watching the company flourish. 

Michelle Young // Dean of Libraries, Clarkson University

Robert's work with our library system has been a pleasure. He was able to quickly understand our needs making recommendations that worked well for us. Working with Robert allowed allows us to refine our collection, minimize duplication and increase engagement with our students. His delivery of the project was timely, professional, and efficient. We are looking forward to working with Robert again in the future.

Michoel Rotenfeld // Associate Director, Touro University Libraries

The library industry is evolving, with exciting new products and trends being discovered all the time. The team at Library Lever will help libraries navigate the process, keeping librarians one step ahead of the learning curve. I’m looking forward to watching the company flourish.

Ben Ide// Head, Library Resource and Metadata Services,
University of Hartford

Rob is a strong leader with a clear vision for where he wants Library Lever to go. What they're doing will make a huge impact on libraries and I can't wait to see what's next.

William Shannon Hein // Executive Vice President
William S. Hein & Company


I’ve enjoyed working with Rob and his team over many years. He helps connect our team to libraries and serves his librarians with close attention and care. We look forward to seeing his new venture blossom, as we bring new projects and collections forward. He’s a champion for libraries and for publishers, and he’s dedicated to bringing them together with full communication.

Eileen Lawrence VP of Sales and Chief Inspiration Officer, Coherent Digital
